Saturday, 22 September 2012

6O. 4.0 version

Back to blogging! Alright, time to blog! So yeah, I had an outing with my another gang of friends last night. It was, hmm, by far, one of the best nights I had here in this 2012. And who were they? My dear primary school classmates from Standard 6! Somehow I feel guilty because I've been hanging out with my Han Ming friends and never actually got a proper interaction with Khe Beng priamry school friends... I mean, 5 years with them and after that I moved to Han Ming... I still hope to see them one day... But anyway, we're talking about Han Ming friends... Hello!

Yeap, these are the people who were all from 6O class. Actually just maybe 1/10 of it, because the others are like, super busy? And they all had their own life to live on... Ah, whatever. I'm just glad that the active ones: Linly, Kelly and Jeremy are here now for this gathering outing. And now we have Carmen, Jason, Enmi and Pin Fu joined us. I believe after this onwards we will be having a closer relation with each other. We had so much plans, after this. It's like, we have so much to do together? Hmm, fate will tell.

To be honest this outing was kinda sudden and rushed... It all started from the day Linly planned a new reunion for us all in our 6O class group, for choosing who should organize all these stuffs... And guess what, I got nominated! =D But of course, I don't want to organize anything because anything I lead will become much worse than you expected. So yeah Linly got most of the votes and I am so glad, that she became the organizer again! YAY! She's been organizing our outing and she's the reason of why we're so united! ;) But she had a lot of plans for us, like going to Malacca for 1-DAY-TRIP and summore going to clubbing at aquasonic... I'd really love to join them for the Malacca trip, but you know... I've been complaining about the amount of my assignments, so I thought I will be absent for this round. And the other option, clubbing... Nah, not my thing. I don't go clubbing, sorry to say... I don't drink and smoke, and the crowd inside is too complicated for me. I'm a loser when I'm inside the club, so yeah... 'Nuff said!

The plan wasn't getting any good responds, so the last minute idea she had is to call any of us to go out and yumcha at Pelita, a mamak stall. So yeah I thought it won't be much of a problem since I only have portrait to draw and a paragraph to do for LCS2. So here I come! To meet with my old friends again! At 9:50pm Linly picked me up, inside the car there were Pin Fu, Enmi and Carmen... So the whole time, when I got into the car, I was speaking English entirely, literally the whole time in car with Linly... I almost forgot that this was a Chinese primary school gathering! I felt kinda bad so I tried talking to the others because the other three were so silent... So yeah, I interacted with them somehow, it was awkward... After all we didn't really talk to each other like almost 6 years already, so best to do some pre-bonding before proceeding into the proper gathering ;D And yeah, I met everyone else... And, it was so nostalgic! After chitty-chatty session we had there in the mamak stall, we moved on to SetiaWalk to continue our outing and stuffs. We need to create some memories for every gathering, RIGHT? ;) I got lazy now to type all these, I'll just post the photos here (credits to Linly for the camera ;D) OH THE MOMENTS...

HEHEHEHE, I also remember I screamed like damn hell loud just to embarrass my friends. Oh my dear throat ;D I believe I gathered some unexpected attentions from all other people in the pub. I must say it was VERY FUN to do something like these, I should be more and more and more crazy to entertain my friends next time... Or not, it's up to them if they want me to be crazy ;) Anyway, I'm done for blogging, I hope y'all had fun looking at the pictures... This post is specially dedicated to 6O friends! :) Until next time, see you peepz!

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