This city is the last city that I'll be visiting in China... Hmm, nothing much to say actually. The new local guide for this Nanjing City is really nice, unlike the Wuxi one. By the time when we arrived to Nanjing, it was already dark outside. About 5pm something, after having dinner we went to this... Well this building share similarities with the Great Wall, except this one is protecting the kingdom. Since it was already late night, there wasn't any good pictures for us to snap. Nothing was done there, so sad...
So then we went to this Confucius Temple, oh wait, it's not a temple! It's simply another shopping street! My favourite, there were a lot of things to buy and stuffs but I never bought anything since Shanghai... But I did get this cotton-candy, Taiwan-branded one to eat here. The street has a little Taiwan-feel but... Hmm, did I mention in China there are a lot of handsome guys? No I didn't? Yes, there are indeed a lot of good-looking-taken guy walking around the street with their girlfriends. The available ones are still good-looking, lenglui in there? Hmm, only in Hangzhou. I look fatter and fatter the more I stay in China... I mean like seriously, they never starve us! But now my face look slim again, diet readjusted. But still... There are like many things for me to play around, fool around on the street. Too bad my pocket was running out of money, no cash at all. Although Malaysian Ringgit is worth double for RMB. But China's things are kinda expensive than you thought, because they've been rising up to the world's number two. Anyway back to the cotton candy, it was too sweet and I felt like throwing the cotton candy away but since I paid for it... It's only good for photosnapping! #honestyday.
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Ninja Mode. Haunting the bridge! |
The next day, I went to this bridge. This bridge however, has a story behind. Yeah I know what you're thinking, 'everywhere in China has a story', but hmm... NO HARM ON LISTENING RIGHT? This bridge was like, 'impossible' to build back in days. The China wanted to build this bridge, but the American says that place isn't suitable to build so... China asked Russia to help them, but Russia raised up a very offensive condition to China, so China built this bridge by themselves. The Russian people insulted the Chinese 'yellow-skinned pig', but China has finally successfully completed this bridge and so it shuts the racist people's mouth. Let me tell you again I am not racist, I am just telling what I heard! No hard feelings, Russian people are good too, I've met some of the nice people from Russia ;) Just don't fight me with racism thing.
Gosh, why are those racism case keep happening in this day? *cry cry* The next place that we will be visiting is this 'Mass Graves' (万人坑). Back in days where umm, sorry I forgot again, when China was still under the ruling of Japanese army, in Nanjing the soldiers killed about 30 million people, to be more specific, 34 million people. I actually entered the casket building and witnessed thousands of real skeleton... But it's all history, although it's an unforgettable history but it's in the past. We should look forward and make friend with everyone to decrease the number of the enemies.
Okay, trip's over in Nanjing! Moving back to the Hangzhou, where we started. It's time to say goodbye to this lovely China... There was still one last place we visited there, another shopping street. But we were warned to not buy anything there since everything is a fraud. So... we obeyed. I saw one smelly but nice food there, you know, the 'Chinese durian version', 'Stink Toufu' (臭豆腐)! Ah, I wanted to try but mom and dad don't let me! I think my mouth will be stinky after eating that, but at least it smells better than durians! I for one, who protests the production of durians, NOT IN MY HOUSE BABEH. Ah... I'm gonna miss this place, I mean seriously... The best country I've visited yet. I just visited two countries that Orange Caramel sang: Bangkok City and Shanghai Romance! Hopefully I'll be able visit S.E.O.U.L!