I just feel like blogging, out of sudden. Hmm, alright. I'm gonna blog about hair! x) Just recently, not really, since last year maybe, I always have wanted to change my image... Back in the days when I was in high school, oh it's so embarrassing but I was a nerd-looking guy. I used to be a loser, well now I'm still a loser but a little better. I didn't dare to talk back, I'm overly timid and everything. Though my main subject wasn't to study but to have fun around in the internet. I used to do spritings too! If you don't know what spriting is, you always has Mr. Google to answer you for that! xD I'm just too lazy to tell you now. And I used to be very bad at studying, and my mom got fed up for it. They said I'm an innocent in disguised, after they know me, I'm like the different person ever.
So... How I looked like before? You seriously want to see ah? Okay loh... Here you go, click this link HERE. So... so... embarrassing. This shows I was really chubby, back then. But history was there, I can't deny but show you the truth here. I know I looked really different! There were some people even asked me if I did plastic surgery before. =___= I mean like seriously? No way! And then I had this white spectacles which looked really horrible, why did I choose white specs... Oh well, you sure you want to see it again? Okay... HERE. Reputation gone~ I was really fat, fat and fat... I ate non-stop. And to be honest with you, my secondary school sells the best fried rice and some friend foods! And those foods were so cheap compare to the ones I had to pay for lunch now... Some of you guys might be wondering who I look or looked like without my spectacles, here's another photo from my high school years HERE. One of my nerd face here: HERE. I'm not embarrassed any more, after flipping through so many pictures of me in the past... OH GOD WHY, is happening in mah head now.
After I got graduated from high school, my image is getting better as in my chin got slimmer. Back then I had really long hair and I refused to cut because I want to style something else. Okay la this time I can accept myself for a better look, well, you can have a look it right HERE. Aha, that's when I got my new hair cut which kinda got... quite a *surprising* amount of Likes, and I never expected to have these much Likes. I was an underrated kid back then, not sure about now. This was the hairstyle I was talking about, HERE had my first ever saloon cut. My mom would never allow me to have a hair cut in saloon, she said waste money. That's why I'm so dumb~ After since then my hair got longer, and the style BEFORE I officially change to the style I have now, HERE you go. And guess what happened in the next moment? Heh heh, I received the most Likes in my life until now!
YAY! So happy! You know how it feels too, right? So don't judge! >=P Yeap, this is how I looked when I first bleached my hair. And I really liked the result, not so much though. Because it was really yellow, and very sharp. Actually the whole point of bleaching my hair is to get a very attention-seeking colour. I admit la... I have some attention seeking bad habit, you can tell by my hair and my bag. Because I had been so underrated for the past days, maybe just few months will do. And plus, I like platinum blonde so much until I want to bleach it like so hard. Thank god to my natural hair quality is soft and nice, even after bleaching it's still not so bad. The soft quality still retain, plus some hair conditioner. "I like the way you do to my hair" I feel like singing this now! Hehe, "in the morning I feel like I'm a sexy super star" <- this song is so awesome =X Okay off topic...
To be honest with you, after dying this hair I got more confident as in my looks. Yeah, AT LEAST I look so much better now with this style. You know how the feeling is, when you are granted with a better look! Well, maybe you will never know, oh well. Side topic, this picture was taken by Cameroid. But I don't know why, now I can't take picture any more from that site... Oh well. I might sound pretty "perasan" here but you can't blame me for speaking out my honesty here! Hmph~ Oh well I kinda like this colour, brown yellow and blonde all mixed together. Makes my hair more colour-rich... Err I suck in English now. For some reasons my English just got degraded, reading back the posts I wrote, those were the best English moment I had there. Best as in the best English I wrote, not the BEST English in the world. There are still many spaces for me to improve. Anyhow, I just got another haircut for now and I kinda like it. Since my dark roots are coming out, my "biao jie", which is my cousin, is a professional hair stylist cut a better hairstyle for me to retain the blonde but brings out the black contrast.
The light effect made my hair look like platinum blonde but actually it's not. I plan to do touch-ups before the upcoming semester starts. Yeah, for your information, I'm having semester-break now. I am definitely very satisfied with the hair I have now. It's like, blonde and black fusion! I actually have this crazy idea, that is bleaching my hair to almost white and has black streaks. IT'S better to not tell you about it in details now, who knows one day you will see it? I don't even think you're interested in my hairdo though haha. This blog is like, one of the most underrated blog ever. But then, it's okay. I believe some of them read my blog, especially when I post this update in Twitter and Facebook which you can assume I will post this update too later. Hairs I want to try next? If I have the cash...
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I'm a hair colour addict! There's even times for me to consider about tattoo at my back neck, barcode tattoo! So I look like a product or whatever... My parents might not be happy to see it though, but then... Hmm, maybe later when I grow older. I'm still fresh from teenage, well I'm still a teenager now for the fact being though. But I better refer myself as a LEGAL. Anyhow, I think I'm done blogging about my hair. I'll blog the way I wear or whatever, next time maybe. Right now I've got something more important to do, eat. And of course, tweet! I'm talkative in Twitter, I also set a Twitter bar in my blog so you might be able to read how silly am I for me being in the Twitter. I might be hostile, if I'm not happy with certain things. ROAR. Alright, time to off. Good day!