So I haven't been mentioning the upcoming event lately cuz I have no confirmation on any of these. And I just happened to receive a call from Universal on Thursday, 9th February 2012 that I actually won a pair of passes to this fan-meeting without any artists. I thought it was cool because there will be lots of good activities going on in around that auditorium. Anyway, before winning these passes, I thought this was a concert but turns out to be some kind of fan event (and it's free) so I just participated on downloading caller-ringtone from DiGi (since I'm their subscribers) and tried my luck on winning these and so I did! And when Universal called me, I was like 'What?', a huge shocked (or surprised) for me! So I get to go to this event, and what to do? I need to bring someone along... My offer has been rejected by many people, either they're not interested or too busy for it. Until I found this SONE and he said okay so I found one yay lol.

The next morning I woke up and get myself prepared for the event, it was kinda exciting? I don't have to describe the 'excited' since you all probably already know what I meant. It takes about 45 minutes journey to go to Bentley Music Auditorium in Mutiara Damansara from Puchong, the place where I'm living right now. And thanks to Google Map, I found out on how to go to this music auditorium easily. I thought I'd go to The Curve for a walk but it's already 2:45pm something so I had to go get my passes with my cell number. I was scratching my head on wondering which floor was K-POP Crazy Party at. I saw some of the people wearing the pass and I asked them which I found out it was at the 4th floor. And then I expected to hear some fan's noises when I got out from the elevator and I was right. The moment when I stepped out from the elevator, my prediction was right! I could hear people shouting this and that about K-POP... It's no wonder because as a K-POP fan myself, I will do the same too! =P

So at the Registration Area, the first thing I noticed was a lot of humans... Duh xD and these two lovely Korean-dressed couple model from the event, the guy was said to be a Korean-looking guy. And umm, yeah I have to agree that he does look like a Korean. I wonder if they can speak basic Korean words properly? Haha. They also sell CDs, I saw the U.S. version of Girls' Generation The Boys was on the stall, and I happened to Then I saw these
Super Junior's, Girls' Generation's, Troublemaker's and Cube Family's stands everywhere. Unfortunately I didn't snap any good shots of them with my camera, I just happened to have this Girls' Generation stand picture from
Universal Music Malaysia's Facebook page. Fans are taking pictures with these stands like as the girls are real... LOL
what am I talking about here? I was waiting for Justin who was going to get the other pass from me and so after waiting him it's time to
get into the auditorium~ I think actually we can enter into the hall earlier it's just not started that early since they have to manage stuffs like the performances, chairs and stuffs like that... Poor staffs, they've worked hard.
Salute to them. Here are some photos taken from Universal Music Malaysia:
So this is how the registration looked like before going into the auditorium. Every fans gathered to leave a message and stuffs like that for their idols, as mentioned, taking pictures with the stands and stuffs. So when I was entering into the auditorium, I could hear K-POP music being played in the hall and thus fans got fangasmed by the music because like those music are like drugs to us. We need to keep on consuming those 'drugs' in order to get ourselves feel good. That's the definition of 'drugs' right? It can be applied for so many things and I just realized...

My apology for the picture's quality, it sucked. I'm working on an
iPhone 4S and a Canon DSLR (or any better brand for DSLR, recommend to me!)~ See? Poor
students citizens like me work so hard for certain things and deserved so less, how I wish I'm rich so I can buy anything I want... Who says money can't buy happiness?
Can't you buy whatever you want that makes you happy? And health, can be bought, without money, you can't buy healthy groceries or
top class imported nutrition foods from other countries which makes you healthier; Money is the thing. Haha I guess I 9gagged too much, too much of crap... Oh my bad,
back to the event... Yeah this picture
described (not really) how the auditorium was like:
crowded. I'm sure each of everyone there is (or was?) a
K-pop fan. I can generally talk to anyone there if I want, pretty much those
K-pop fans will get even excited if the chant got louder or something... The most passionate and loud fan-chant I heard was Girls' Generation's
The Boys... It's no wonder because I was at a place where all the
mysone was sitting at. I will be a
#foreveralone fan to these kind of events because f(x)
rarely gets any love from people, or at least it's just me who gone crazy when they played f(x)'s songs... Seriously, they deserve more than just my insane love for them!
Hopefully next time f(x)'s community will have some improvements in these sort of fan meetings or event..., I'm talking about you! Maybe EXO-Malaysia too will be boosting since they are receiving much attentions from SM's cunning bunch of teasers releasing to the world...
Original photo by Universal Music Malaysia's Facebook. |
The even started off with the MC's greeting,
I forgot what's her name sorry... They have this dance competitions in
between the 3 groups. I remembered seeing them in the Registration Area and I can guessed that they are going to be on the stage somehow,
judging by the 'flashy' clothes they were wearing. The first team who participated the dance competition was a group made up by girls and boys. What was their group's name... I forgot, lemme think for a little *
scratching my head* ah yes, I think they're the
Ruffneckz if I'm not mistaken. Pretty good performance! I enjoyed the "
Oppa! Oppa!" by the Super Junior's sub-unit. From where was I sitting, when I was witnessing the performance by the duo
which was introduced by the very first moment, I thought that the girl and the guy do not really look like the
Troublemaker, but seeing this picture it makes me wondered '
was that really Hyuna?' while the guy still doesn't or didn't look like Hyunseung but he looked like Seungri instead.
These people are blessed born with idol faces... Jealous. The following team was Dawn's Arch and Progression. The Progression did well
but not the Dawn's Arch. The judges even praised the Progression danced well and should go to
South Korea and something like that. I couldn't make a good judge because I wasn't being hyper,
fixing my jeans' button (
that will be explained later) Though Dawn's Arch didn't do as well as the other group for their first song's The Boys, but flashing back to when I was watching their performance, I remembered their Troublemaker was kinda okay. I don't know, I remembered the judges saying that they're still stiff for their dance moves. Maybe they haven't practice enough or something?
Though not as well as the others, but still give them thumbs up for being brave enough to dance on the stage.
Salute to all the dancing groups! What's the most important thing when performing on the stage? Responds from the audiences. Same thing when you're talking,
people are really listening to you, you'll be very appreciating, something like that... The following pictures
captured by and taken from Universal Music Malaysia & K-Popped (credits):
Too bad no one represented f(x)! I was thinking of joining this dance competition but something stops me from doing so... First I have no teammates, second I'm going to get defeated by the others anyway. I'm not qualified to be their rivals as I haven't receive any official dance lessons before... So avoiding is better the covering. But if I had a chance, imma represent f(x) as if no one is going to. Show f(x) some loves babeh! Other than dance competition, they had various kind of games like pop-quiz and lucky draw. LUCKY PEOPLE GET TO WIN THE AUTOGRAPHED ALBUMS. Though I'm not lucky enough to win those Girls' Generation files imported from South Korea, but I get to win a badge of their members! Anyway here's the detail of the event:

Guess yourself, which one was me. It's pretty obvious,
but I'm not gonna tell LOL! So this game was inspired by the popular game show from South Korea's television show from the
SBS Channel, le'
Running Man! I'm pretty sure most of the fans are familiar about it. Thanks to, I got my 'lucky shot'
in this picture lol... So the game was like this:
We were separated by 2 groups, each group had 3 members. And 1 group will need to stick the stickers on the other group's body and the group will be shaking it off the memos as fast as they could.
Cunning girl stuck those memo stickers on my back so I couldn't shake them off so easily LOL! And tell you what, my jeans' button popped out when I was overly shaking and I was struggling on the stage, thank goodness not much people saw my pants got opened up or
I'll be super ashamed to be surfaced into the public again LMAO. I should've checked my shirts before participating to some parties... Heh, but it was fun! Winning Seohyun's badge wasn't bad either, in fact I prefer badge over file as I already have 2AM's file, I know what's enough for me xD
Oh here's the badge I won:

Perfect for Seohyun's fans, tho not my bias but better than nothing! Now I have more stuffs for my K-Pop 'fridge'! Soon I'm going to collect the albums from f(x) and EXO and will grow my K-Pop collection for more... Now it's time for the lucky draw! Recalling that I've wished something in Miracle Website, I was hoping that this will come true: Please let me fly to Singapore to see Super Junior Super Show 4! But I'm not lucky enough to win, oh well. Those lucky asses get to go to Singapore and see the boys. My gosh, why are they so lucky V__V Oh well even if I won those I still probably need to call my dad over since the DiGi's name is under my dad's name not mine. Funny, I never knew I'll be winning those passes tho! Those lucky asses, better appreciate your chance flying to Singapore! Pictures captured by K-popped:

Oh yes, I forgot to mention. There was this Jay Park's crossover phone call from South Korea, Live! He even tweeted about it! Although not a big fan, but I had a great time listening to his voice and responds from us Malaysian lol! I think he was pretty tired because he sounded a little exhausted of was it just me... He kept saying 'mhm, mhm' haha, so cute. And the lucky beetches Jaywalkers (or fans) get to talk to Jay Park! I never knew he'll be answering questions about his tattoo... Too many tattoos. Actually I had a question, but I forgot, it's about Nigahiga, oh well it's over anyway... Here's his virutal respond for after the call:

Alright I should call it a day.
I've been blogging long for this blogpost so I hope you guys had a great time on reading it. If this bores you then... My bad! And many fans left messages for idol groups like
Girls' Generation, Super Junior and B2ST. Sucks that I forgot to mention:
Girls' Generation please come to Malaysia for your 2nd Asia Tour! But anyway, what's done is done. Here's the last picture from my message to Girls' Generation.
Universal Malaysia is going to send this to South Korea so I'm anticipating for them to give us responds but too bad they do not have Twitter accounts or something...
Maybe we can get their respond from Super Junior or something? Alright, time to off!
Bai readers!
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