Friday, 18 November 2011


Sigh, I've been boring lately. People are so obsess about revision and studying for their exam. I think I'm one of a kind that doesn't really worried about my examination, because I just don't get nervous. Not to say I'm confident, just not feeling nervous. When I got bored, I'll be very hyper or something like that. Thanks to Xiaxue's Guide to Life, I'm introduced to this awesome site called

Xiaxue says that, the people goes onto this site are mostly weirdos... I guess she's right, I'm one of the weirdos and very lonely. But through this I met some people, BUT I did not get to know them for long, since they just click 'Next' when they got bored, urgh. But it's funny to see people from the other side of the world with different behavior, I mean it's interesting. Most of the people just skip on me since I'm Asian and assume I don't speak English... Hmm, can I call it racist? Rofl. And for those people who did not skip, they were like 'Oh hey! It's an Asian!' and my mind was like 'Yeah, a freaking Asian appeared'. And most of them guessed my race, as I'm too 'flattered' to get myself guessed. I mean what's the big deal for being either Chinese, Japanese or Korean? *cry* OKAY I was being sarcastic. In fact I want to know more Japanese or Korean people more than Chinese, my race itself. Uh-uh, I'm not being racist, it's just I have lots of friends from Western already, and I've never have a Korean or Japanese friend. Korean and Japanese are cool! I wonder what do they think about Chinese like me... Hmm.

To declare this, I'm physically Asian, but inside I am not Asian at all... Okay maybe a little. My parents are the ones who're being traditional and they're all purist for following culture. They did a big mistake for sending me to English class to get my English improved, once my English is improved, I'm more attached to people from the West and actually ALMOST forgot my own identity. But I'm happy for the way I am... Just saying, I'm happy for myself being an Asian and for what my mind is.

I'm so bored, and lonely. I'm just so friendless lately, need more social and conversation. I need more and more people to talk to me... Just a long conversation each day :< 'Baby I'm so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely, baby I'm so lonely lonely lonely lonely'... Any kind people are you free 'nough to talk to me? :< It's hopeless... Anyway I'm gonna conclude this useless article.

Baby I'm so lonely...

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