HOORAY! Guess what, I'm graduated from high school! Super excited, yeah. I'm so looking forward to turn into 18...! I'm sicked of being a teenager. Lots of stupid friendship problems and annoying study schedules. I gotta get myself enroll into college. Remember when I mentioned about Taylor's College? That's where I want to enter: Taylor's Lakeside Campus! Whether you like it or not, it's my dream to enter that college... Blah, I'll save those college business for later. Yes, right now I'm sitting for my final examination for my high school qualification (SPM). The subjects that I'm going to sit for are Bahasa Melayu, English, Mathematics, Science, Arts, Computer Graphics and History. So far, so good. I did my best.

Oh my, so much plan after concluding my exam! Right now my hair is in a progress of getting long. After my exam, my hair is about to be longer, and is expect to be longer than I expected. Nah, I don't think so... I should dye my hair! I mean, I definitely will. It's like one of
MUSTs that I need to do after
getting out from the school, I mean graduating from the school. Should I dye
brown or
platinum blonde? Those two guys in the picture, if you're unfamiliar with 'em, they're the super hot K-Pop stars from a group called SHINee. I'm sure most of the K-Pop fans know them... I'm a
super fanboy, I'm being frank with ya though, yeah yeah. I'm not just their fan, but the whole
SMTOWN's artists' fan.
Okay enough for spazzing! So I've graduated from high school, and there are like lots of plans which I haven't planned yet. Despite for being excited for my post-exam plans, I am still worrying about my examination RIGHT NOW. Yeah you can slap me for online now when I'm not supposed to. But hey, humans need to rest, right? I'm crapping, I'm crappy. What's coming up? Moral and Science... These two, are one of the subjects that are listed in my worry list. I need to get A+ or A- at least for these two subjects. I'll start to study tomorrow, Saturday... There are more than 30+ sentences for me to memorize, but I'm still gonna do it. Suffer for the last time.

Anyway, today is my last lesson for my art-class! I just finished the flower painting with poster colour and I hope it's looking good since I'm no expert yet. I only had
24 lessons for poster colour and I don't consider myself as a good artist. But frankly, I'm more to right brain activities rather than left brain, resulting
I'm not good in Maths and is not systematic.
On my table, on the piano, on my computer desk, it's all mess. I don't tidy up my things. The photo on the right side is me 'biting' on the paper I last painted. Flower in purple... Sorry if I look different from my other 'title' photos because this photo is taken randomly. I did not put on nice clothes
blah blah blah. I'm ready for Arts exam! 3 hours time for me to finish up a painting, I guess I can do it? For my A+ sake.
So my plans after my examination... Well, first I am going to travel to China, Shanghai in 8 days and I figured it's going to be fun. But I bet I can't take the cold, winter cold. I never tasted even a bit of winter's 'chill' before. And this afternoon I was shivering due to the weather, and it's nothing in other countries with 4 seasons! I need to wear more clothes when I go there... After travelling, I need to go for Driving Lesson to get my Driving License! I don't want to wait until 21 years old, I want to drive as soon as possible. I'm sick of taking bus and other public transport... Waiting more than half an hour in the bus stop, so not fun! Plus there isn't any LRT in my area, urgh. Best to drive myself. While taking these lessons, I'm gonna practice my Japanese reading and speaking, and I might take time to learn Hangul (Korean). I love Eastern Asian languages, as I am one of the Eastern Asian, people from the west often mistaken me as a Korean or a Japanese. My friends say that my skin tone is whiter than usual people here. But I got tanner... Never mind, I'm #foreveralbino in among the group =.='' Japanese is kinda easy for me, and I can write well too except Katakana. こんにちは、私は男です!もちろ、男は私の性別。Well, that's a crap Japanese sentence I wrote haha! But 100% original, not Google Translated. So far I'm still unfamiliar with Korean words, like they have Korean keyboard for each symbol to form a word, much like Chinese but in Chinese I go for pinyin.
...New style, new languages. I'm so looking forward for it!