Okay so it's the fourth week of this semester, a.k.a Week 4. I have like, 10 weeks left till this semester ends. And guess what, the process we made for drawing portrait is still not so developed but gotta admit I can draw much better than I was before in Semester 1... Gosh, started to miss Drawing 1, never miss Figure Studies 1 tho. I don't really like "producing" manikins all day, if you know what I mean... Yeah, so how's my college life so far?
Many people said Semester 2 will be harder than the first one, which until now I still don't feel any pressures of it. Somehow it's like... Free-er than Semester 1? Probably I don't enjoy Sem 1 subjects as much as I do for now... Bahasa Malaysia seems fun, that we have to think of a story and film, speaking in BM which I believe will be a great experience as a team work. Figure Studies got so much more interesting that we are drawing face! I've always wanted to draw realistic face, cuz I've been drawing anime style face for all my life until recently... Not an anime fan tho. I'm K-POP fan ;) By the way, lemme show you what I've done for Drawing 2, so far so good. I've learned some basics for poster colours in Global Art, and now it involves more about poster colour and gouache...
This is the second thing I've painted in Drawing 2, I almost get an A-... It's okay, I'll try harder. It takes a lot of patience to finish one painting to be honest... Drawing and painting are not as easy as it seems. ...If you're gonna ask, I'm just gonna say everything changes when you started to attend Diploma or Degree level of drawing once you graduated from high school. They have all sort of formulas for you to draw everything precisely, perfectly. Tatsun (Co-founder of The One Academy) denies the existence of genius; that there are only fast-learner. And Eric Leong (Head of Interior Design in The One Academy as well as a well-known Interior Designer) says if you like to draw, you have the potential to become a designer, or an artist? I don't know but it seems true. Okay imma stop crapping. Lemme show you my third drawing... Or painting of my Drawing 2 stuffs ;D
This orangie! My piece of 'Masterpieces'! LOOOOOL okay la not really. This was done at home, because I did a terrible mistake and couldn't finish it in class... I'll tell you the story some other times maybe. So yeah, I did this at home, and the experience? Not so fun when doing it at the studio... But still, I manage to make an orange look like an orange... Okay la maybe you can argue this looks more like a Mandarin Orange... However it is, you still can tell this is an orange, RIGHT? ;D So far so good... I actually prefer my orange more than my lemon... Singhooi noticed that I keep posting my Drawing 2 assignments in Facebook, you can't blame me for doing a collection for my painting ;D So yeah... I don't really have any available shots for my Figure Studies 2 assignments so maybe next time? If we were free to choose which person to draw I will definitely choose Emma Watson! My childhood heroine! ;) I'll also draw Tom Felton! He's one fierce blonde ;D And I like platinum blonde guy or girl, for some reasons... I'm blonde myself, oh never notice... I'm a big fan of Harry Potter by the way... J.K. Rowling rocks!

Look! I found my twin! LOL! Someone plagiarised ma face. Back in the days when my hair was black... Oh, "those years". I never realized how noob-looking I was. Thanks for revamping my face for me looooool~ Err, by the way this guy's name is Kenny Mok, he calls himself Tiger Mok as far as I recall from his blog... Though no more active on blogging, I still follow my friends' blog. Ala I'm technically talking shits here... FYI I'm in CG Lab 2, blogging while waiting for lecturer... And I'm going to have Drawing 2 class again, the joy! True, painting is very relaxing, but it's duper troublesome when it comes to preparing or cleaning stuffs, before and after... Jas said this is how an artist work (Y) For this semester I will treat myself as a graphic designer and artist (Y) So "old" feelssssssss~ Random broken English spam.
Hello DG1205-2! These are my classmates! ...Not all are here. Our very first group photo. This was taken on Gwen's birthday, every birthday we have a 'traditional' stuff to do, take a group photo! ;D Will be stuck with them for 3 years plus, so better get close to them... Until now I still can feel that there's a wall in between us CD3 and CD4 gang, but hopefully this wall will be broken by not too late time... I don't like having this social wall barring us in between, I don't want it to happen for like the rest of our semester here... Hmm, okay. Done blogging about Semester 2. Bout to have our class now, Vivien must be coming right now, so yeah! UNTIL NEXT TIME! I'll try to spend more time on blogging, I need to practice more on remembering. The more you blog, the more you remember, the stronger your memories are. See ya!